Saw Palmetto - Nature’s Way Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto

By: Nature’s Way
  • Total Rip-Off
  • Label Claims Don’t Even Come Close to Lab Test
  • SHOCKING - Lab Test Reveals Less Than 2mg Sterols!
  • Another Drug Store Rip-Off
see lab report

Saw Palmetto

Another product that is sold in most drug stores across the country and in virtually all health food stores. After you see the results of their lab test you will wonder why. They claim on the front of their bottle that they have 180 capsules that are “certified” 585mg. “Certified” is an important and powerful word. You as the consumer standing there in the isle think – hey this must be good, after all it’s “certified”. Well the label might claim it is certified – but we are interested in “verified”. Remembers advertisers exaggerate and in some case they lie. The actual amount of sterols in this product is an embarrassing low 1.40mg per dose. That’s it. And they charge around $16 a bottle. I don’t care if they change $1 a bottle – it’s still not a good deal. Major Scam! Very, very disappointing.

Saw Palmetto Supplement Facts

Saw Palmetto supplement facts

Saw Palmetto Lab Report:

Saw Palmetto lab report